
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The positive power of nostalgia

When you leave your home country for good, you open yourself to a whole new experience and emotions. Every little thing that you see, hear or smell can take you back unexpectedly to your childhood or your home. It can get depressing and sad at times, but there’s always something positive.

This week I came across an article that talk about the feeling of nostalgia. It caught my attention because it revealed a new aspect that I hadn’t considered before:

Nostalgia has been shown to counteract loneliness, boredom and anxiety. It makes people more generous to strangers and more tolerant of outsiders.
Tierney, 2013, The New York Times.

Immediately, I related this quote to what many of us experience when moving abroad. For the most, you can get stuck in the negative part: I miss my friends, my family, my home, my food, and so on, but "I don’t want to or I can’t go back." What you may not realize is that you can use that same feeling to move forward.

The first thing to note is that it’s okay to feel nostalgic or homesick. Feeling nostalgic helps you to deal with the transition. You should feel proud of your roots and what you lived and, then, use that feeling to look forward. Those memories can become a driving force to succeed in a new country.

In this regard, an article from The Guardian reveals that when people feel nostalgic they are more likely to commit to volunteering, they bond more closely with the people surrounding them, and they are more willing to socialize with strangers. This is exactly what you need if you want to fit in a new society.

Fun and friendly
Often, you get to meet people who are stuck in what they left behind. They live yearning for the past. If you want to reach your goals and have a better life, you need to get rid of that mindset. Latinos are known to be fun people, talkative, warm and open. So, embrace that part of your cultural background and use it to fit in.

These days is almost impossible to escape from the past. Facebook is now a constant reminder of what you been doing in the past 10 years, and Netflix is remaking the TV shows you used to watch when you were a kid. Overall, social media uses nostalgia to connect with you in another level. You can’t hide from it, but you can make the most out of it.

Use nostalgia to reach new goals. For example, my first holidays away from my family were a major mix of nostalgia with homesickness. So, I decided that I would do my best every year to spend the holidays with them. Instead of longing for the past, work to bring the good memories back.

In Spanish we always say “to remember is to live again,” and this is what nostalgia brings to you. Whenever you have a chance to bring back memories, embrace the moment with joy and look forward. 


  1. Very interesting post, and I like how you detailed the two different sides of nostalgia. It's fun to think about your past experiences and how they've shaped you, but it's equally important to not live in the past so that you can move on and create new memories.

  2. I can't imagine what is it like to leave a country and go to another to live somewhere new! Definitely reflecting on the past is a great idea, but moving forward and making new memories is great as well!

    Cool post!

  3. "To remember is to live again"
    I love this quote! Reflecting on the past can fill one with lots of wonderful memories and happiness, but it is definitely important to move forward and make new memories.

  4. Thanks for sharing your insights and perspectives. I think being away from home for extended periods has made me more aware of making others feel welcome.
